Friday, January 16, 2009

on again, off again

this is what happened on my birthmas.

cookies & wizards

running & screaming

family time

feeding starving animals

snow drifts




new tricks

tomorrow morning, kevin is going to florida.

um . . . what?
you might ask.
i figure you'll ask that.
because i did.

his friend chris wants to go see some family down there and--seeing how kevin's grandparents are down there as well and there is snow everywhere which makes it impossible for kevin to do any work up here--kevin decided to go along. i will hold down the freezing fort with brendan. making the dough and baking the bread and whatnot.

he will be gone for 9 days. home for 5-6, then off to kansas again after that for another week or so. i, of course, will be at 2426 N. Janssen Apt 2FR Chicago, IL 60614 for the entirety of those three weeks.

feel free to send gifts, cards of encouragement, or cash monies to ease the pain of being alone for 9 negative farenheit days of chicago turmoil, whilst my husband frolics in upper sixties under the shade of palm trees and senior citizens. with sunblock on his nose.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Those pictures make it look like you were actually enjoying the company of children. This can't be Amanda writing, right?