Tuesday, August 19, 2008

it's like living in 1847

we still don't have internet at our apartment.   hence the infrequent updates.

don't worry though, we're "getting it today."  that's what we've heard almost every day for the past two weeks.  so.  we'll see.

rehearsals are going well.  did a lot of dancing on saturday, and we're fighting today.  all for Much Ado--which is all blocked and mostly memorized for everybody...

Lear is going a little slower, no surprise, but it's still looking good.

went swimming yesterday for our day off, got a little pink, got a package from mama (which is exciting for us and welcome for all to join in), went to walgreens, and then saw Pineapple Express....which was alright, but mildly disappointing.  regardless, it got all of us excited for Tropic Thunder, which we'll see sometime in the next week or so.

that is all.

1 comment:

mmileham said...

when asking peeps to send you things in the mail it might be a good idea to include the address you want things sent to... just a thought.